ICI relief valve repair

Following a quality audit by HSB Inspection Quality Ltd, Severn Unival Ltd has won quality approval for the repair of safety relief valves owned by ICI Eutech and Zeneca.

Nanchang paper investment

CNTIC (China National Technical Import & Export Corp.), Beijing, China, has ordered a complete newsprint machine from Voith Paper (Heidenheim, Germany) for installation at the Jiangxi Paper Co. mill in Nanchang, China.

Bypassing the Bosphorus

Greek and Bulgarian leaders Monday promised to overcome delays in a pipeline project to transport Russian crude oil to the two Balkan neighbours.

New literature on stainless steel

Ancon Building Products has launched a new technical brochure providing detailed information on its stainless-steel formed sections, flooring and special fabrications.

GTS Duratek to work at Fernald waste site

GTS Duratek Inc. will participate in a new contract with the American Department of Energy to work on the Fernald waste site.

Roche manufacturing project

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. is providing engineering, procurement, and construction management services for Roche's manufacturing facility in Boulder, Colorado.