Energy Products Company is pleased to announce the release of their updated General Twin Seal Valve catalog and reference manual. The catalog offers descriptions of several current models, including dimensional tables for Model 200, Model 8800A, Model 800, Model 900 (fullbore, piggable), and Model 400 (short pattern). Introduced in 1941, General Valve Twin Seal plug valves were the first to meet the rigid requirements of double block-and-bleed service. In the years since subtle yet significant design refinements have further improved valve performance.
An alternative to the original two-valve system, the General Valve Twin Seal plug valve has just one double-seated bubble-tight valve. The upstream and downstream seals provide the same function as the two block valves. The body serves as a spool piece and the body bleed verifies seal integrity.
Seal abrasion is inherent in the design of most ball and gate valves. In most instances, the seats are ground or wedged against metal every time the valve cycles. Any foreign material lodged between the seats and ball or gate will score the seating surfaces. Once the seating segment is scored, product loss and contamination results. The General plug valve avoids abrasion by having both independent slips completely retracted from the body bore during cycling. The General plug valve’s completely retracted slip design minimizes leakage risk, reduces wear and maintenance, and saves money.