A few years back, a particular industrial house began repowering generators. This necessitated more cooling in the radiators. There was a valve downstream of the radiator cooling circuit, which monitored the flow through the radiators. The pressure of the total circuit dropped due to the rise in this flow. Due to this, it was inevitable to move the two-hole plates in a particular way to see that the pressure drop is lower. To provide an understanding, the stroke of the valve has 20 turns for its total opening and if we turn only a quarter of a turn of the stroke, the group of the cooling system will shut off because of mechanical failure brought about by low pressure in the carbon board.
To be in good working condition, the water-bearing, crucial parts of a hydropower plant have to be safeguarded from hydrodynamic impact, commonly known as cavitation. This phenomenal happening better known as cavitation is the result of a fast and noticeable pressure decrease and increment in fluid velocity.
Further, at this juncture, the main criteria is to make sure that renewable energy should keep flowing.
As for paving the way for the solution a 4Matic pressure reducing control valve was installed. The SRD, i.e., Single Rolling Diaphragm technology gives smooth, stable, and exact pressure control from highest to practically zero flow. The bonnet is very small and light in weight as compared to a flat diaphragm, therefore the actual area of a single rolling diaphragm remains constant. An evaluated quantity into the bonnet control chamber continually provides the same smooth movement of the inner valve through the whole stroke. The smaller size of the bonnet makes the valve lighter in weight, which becomes safer as far as maintenance is concerned. Whereas the small size of the control chamber makes it possible to react quickly to alterations in pressure. By getting rid of the seat chatter at low flows, the SRD keeps away from injecting small pressure pulses into the piping. This ultimately results into the avoidance of leakage, losses, or bursting of pipes over a period of time.