Monovar the unexpected solution for New York City

How did the city of NEW-YORK manage to treat fungus-infected water from the Catskills mountain region? A few years ago, the city of New York was confronted with an infection of the drinking water that was distributed to the citizens of the city. In order to solve this problem, the city had two solutions for treating the water: UV treatment and Ozone treatment.  However, in order to treat this water, the volume of water conveyed had to be less than the system was capable of treating.

The engineers at SAPAG VALVES (Picardie valves industries) then developed the MONOVAR, a multi-jet control valve that dissipates energy throughout the fluid, thus minimising downstream disturbances.

The MONOVAR has made it possible to adjust the pressure drop in the hydraulic circuit, to regulate the flow of water and any related variables, such as pressure, level, and temperature. Its originality lies in the way it dissipates the energy of the controlled fluid: the flow is split into multiple jets, equally distributed throughout the section of the pipe. Thanks to this design, the harmful effects of cavitation, vibrations, noise, and pressure fluctuations are greatly reduced.

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