Hydrogen plays a vital role in the energy transition. An important aspect in this context is whether metals included in components are suitable for use in hydrogen service. TÜV SÜD provides testing and certification of the compatibility of materials with H2 applications. For these tests, metals are charged with hydrogen electrochemically and in gaseous atmospheres.
The transformation to a hydrogen economy involves challenges at the levels of systems, components, and materials. When hydrogen is used in stationary and mobile systems, it can potentially cause embrittlement in metals and thereby significantly affect the service life of these systems. “Case-by-case testing is frequently necessary to ensure the safe operation of components in these conditions”, explains Dr Christopher Tom Engler, material expert at TÜV SÜD Chemie Service GmbH in Frankfurt am Main. Testing in accordance with the US standard ANSI-CSA CHMC 1-2014 generally requires conducting trials of metal specimens in compressed hydrogen applications. However, this approach is a relatively costly one. “With this in mind, we have opted for another approach in our ultra-modern materials laboratory in Kalbach”, says Dr Engler, explaining, “We load the specimens with hydrogen produced by electrochemical reactions.” The results of mechanical load tests and electron-microscope investigations then show how the materials will react in hydrogen applications. Using this test method, the TÜV SÜD experts produce high quality and reliable results albeit at significantly lower costs compared to the conventional test method with compressed hydrogen. Another benefit for TÜV SÜD customers is that on top of the results of material testing, they also receive a certificate from the same source enabling them to demonstrate the H2 compatibility of their products.