Hutchinson obtains ISO 50001 certification

The Hutchinson plants in Campo Maior, Portugal, and Gozo, Malta, have achieved ISO 50001 certification for their energy management systems. Following the footsteps of Mannheim in 2013 and Château-Gontier in 2015, all O-Rings & Bonded Seals plants in Europe are now ISO 50001 certified. This certification aligns with Hutchinson’s strategic plan, which aims to certify all plants by 2025 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

As a specialist in sealing solutions, Hutchinson is dedicated to reducing emissions and attaining carbon neutrality by pursuing ISO 50001 certification for its plants. The Campo Maior plant specializes in O-Rings production, while the Gozo plant focuses on manufacturing Bonded Seals for the automotive, aerospace, and defense sectors. ISO 50001 certification validates the energy management system and underscores Hutchinson’s commitment to continuous improvement in energy performance.

To meet ISO 50001 standards, local teams have conducted metering plans, presented energy consumption balances, and implemented action plans to enhance energy efficiency. Michel-André Courcol, Executive Vice-President of O-Rings & Bonded Seals, emphasizes the significance of this certification in reducing Hutchinson’s carbon footprint.

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