Valmet is pleased to announce the introduction of IO-Link technology into its Stonel™ valve communication and control products. IO-Link provides a communications network for easily deploying and utilizing advanced diagnostics from Stonel devices. This valuable diagnostic information improves preventative maintenance, reduces trouble shooting, and minimizes failures for ultimate cost savings. Customers will enjoy advanced diagnostics, improved connectivity, and enhanced application capabilities.
The 3-wire communication standard is a non-proprietary technology that is hosted by Profibus International (PI). The IO-Link community encompasses over 400 companies from the automation and communications industries with an installation of tens of millions of nodes and growing rapidly.
There are multiple end-user benefits that the IO-Link technology provides.
Wiring and connectivity standards allow for a simplified, reduced, inexpensive, and harmonized solution.
Device identification and parameterization simplifies commissioning and replacement.
Diagnostics are standardized and comprehensive.
Digital communication is accurate and robust.