Ontario biopharmaceutics

SNC-Lavalin has been awarded an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) contract from Hemosol, a Canadian biopharmaceutical company, for the design and construction of a facility in Mississauga, Ontario. The facility will include a manufacturing area of about 45,000 square feet, which will meet stringent national and international regulations and guidelines in the drug and pharmaceutical industries. The facility is expected to be operational by early 2002 with validation and licensing to follow later in the year. The contract awarded to SNC-Lavalin’s Pellemon division is valued at approximately USD 50 million. Hemosol will use its new installations to produce HemolinkÔ, a highly purified human-derived hemoglobin replacement product manufactured through a series of proprietary processes. In addition to a longer shelf life than donor blood – a full year compared to only 42 days – HemolinkÔ provides greater safety from viral and bacterial contamination, universal compatibility with all blood types, efficient oxygen delivery to tissues and reduced risks of allergic or immune reactions.

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