The milk expert DeLaval has developed a robotic device to milk cows. Called the Voluntary Milking System (VMS), it enables farmers to reap the benefit of an increase in yield from healthier cows. The system allows cows to release milk more frequently, resulting in a 5–10% higher milk yield than if cows are milked only twice a day.
The milking devices themselves have been specially designed around the cow’s contours. Using pneumatic technology developed by pneumatic expert Norgren, they actually have a gentler touch than most human milking.
Ken Olsson, Norgren’s key account manager said: “This was one of the most challenging briefs we have ever been given. The cylinders which actually carry out the milking process have to be both incredibly gentle, to ensure that the cow is comfortable, and incredibly robust in order to cope with the number of cycles demanded of it. The solution was a low-friction actuator which can be controlled very smoothly and sealed with a two component polyurethane seal to withstand the aggressive atmosphere and cleaning fluids. The cylinders are controlled by proportional directional valves.”