Versatile dispense system

See-Flo® 7, Sealant Equipment & Engineering Inc.’s most versatile meter/mix/dispense system, precisely dispenses pourable, two-component reactive resins. It dispenses pre-determined metered shots or can be operated continuously with a user’s command to manually fill. One of the most reliable and durable dispense systems available, See-Flo 7 operates dependably under the most demanding conditions. This air-operated, adjustable-ratio meter/mix/dispense system is a continuous-flow system that allows operators total control over the duration of dispensing action. The metered ratio of the two-material components may be changed. This control option makes See-Flo 7 ideally suited for operations that require varied amounts of material per dispensing. During production, the system’s shot mode dispenses a pre-defined volume each time it is actuated, then awaits the next dispense signal. As a positive displacement meter, See-Flo 7 insures metering and mixing accuracy. The system is designed to handle many different ratios and to process a broad range of materials, from low-viscosity pourable epoxies and urethanes through high-viscosity silicones and polysulphides. While frequently used manually, See-Flo 7 can be integrated into an automated workcell.

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