Valve projects in Spain and Iran

In 2003 Lazaro Ituarte Internacional SA has been awarded contracts for the supply of special valves for projects in Iran and Spain with BP Oil, Lurgi and Technip. Technip-Coflexip selected Lazaro Ituarte valves worth EUR 330 million for the 10th Olefin complex cracking plant project in Iran. The types of valves required ranged from 2500 ANSI Class 24 inch to MOV (Motor Operated Valves fitted with Rotork Actuators). New designs were developed, using international outsourcing of valve castings from France in order to fulfil the schedule.
BP Oil and Foster Wheeler selected Lazaro Ituarte for the supply of valves (ANSI Class 600 and above) for the Castellon new generation oil upgrade in Spain (called New Generation Oil). These valves undergo several quality requirements under Exxon standards and Lazaro Ituarte fulfilled all the conditions. Lurgi asked Lazaro Ituarte to supply severe-service valves for the 4th methanol plant in Iran. The concept applied in the plant was developed by Lurgi and is based on pure auto thermal reforming of natural gas with oxygen, using a purge gas from plants already existing at the location, to adjust the gas quality.

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