Parker to help in Iranian transport

Parker’s, valves, regulators, hoses and stainless-steel tube fittings have been selected by Hans Brochier GmbH & Co KG for its contract to provide gas dispensers for Iran’s nation-wide compressed natural gas (CNG) powered public transport project. Hans Brochier is currently providing fuel dispensing systems for over 40 filling stations at key high-traffic sites throughout the country, which will be used initially by a fleet of CNG fuelled buses. The project aims to reduce exhaust emissions and make efficient use of Iran’s natural gas resources. From now on, only gas-fuelled buses are allowed to enter service in Iran, and following this initial phase of the project, IFCO expects to extend CNG fuelling availability more widely throughout the country via a further 100+ filling stations – creating one of the world’s largest natural gas powered vehicle schemes. The largest single element of the component package is Parker Instrumentation’s twin ferrule A-LOK tube fitting, which is put through a unique burnishing stage to harden and smoothen the cone surface for high-integrity sealing in gas flow applications. Around a hundred of these high-pressure stainless steel components are used at every gas
dispensing site, to interconnect the various elements of the system: the storage tanks, compressor, gas dryer, and dispensers.

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