UK: renewable power project

Mott MacDonald has been appointed by npower renewables to provide engineering design on the new River E Hydro-electric project. The scheme, which received planning consent from the Scottish Executive on the 23rd May 2005 and is due for completion in 2007 is being developed under the Renewables Obligation (Scotland) initiative, and will help the Scottish Executive to meet its target to produce 18% of the country’s electricity from renewable energy sources by 2010. The new hydro power station at the River E close to Loch Ness will have a capacity of approximately 3MW. The Mott MacDonald’s team will be working on the detailed civil design of the hydro-electric scheme which includes: an intake weir with screen; a 4.2km pressure pipeline to carry water to the Powerhouse; a Powerhouse containing a hydro turbine and generator; and a tailrace pipe to return the water to the river.
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