Flaretite’s new patented seals directly address the shortcomings of 30, 37, and 45-degree flared fittings that have long been viewed as the standard for hydraulic, pneumatic, special fluids, and gas applications. Flaretite seals are designed to provide a tight, reliable seal under a variety of conditions. The seals have concentric sealing rings stamped down its flared face. Each of these rings (typically five) form a redundant seal across the sealing face. They are compressed when torque is applied and compensate for misalignments or imperfections in the tubing flare. In addition, the compressed sealing rings maintain the fitting faces under compression, long after their initial installation, fortifying the fitting for higher pressure and more demanding applications. Each seal is coated with Loctite’s Vibra-Seal coating, which enhances the seal’s performance by permanently stopping any weeps or leaks caused by scratches, gouges, pitting, or production imperfections in the tube or fitting. The coating also provides lubrication, thus preventing the sealing face from galling when the fitting is torqued. Finally, Loctite seals the outer edge of the fitting, providing environmental compatibility by preventing rusting and electrolysis damage.