Midland Manufacturing has designed its new A-2165 Pressure relief valves to reduce the number of Non-Accident Releases (NAR) of ethanol during railcar transportation. Non-accident releases consist of leaks, splashes, and other releases from improperly secured or malfunctioning valves, fittings, and tank shells, and also include releases from pressure relief devices. The Midland A-2165 has a carbon steel body with a stainless steel stem, making the valve less susceptible to corrosion, which in turn helps to maximize the in-service time of the tank car. Midland’s A-2165 pressure relief valves allow for maximum flow rates and direct the ethanol product away from the tank car vertically. By directing the product flow upward instead of sideways, this reduces the potential for personnel on or around the tank car to be sprayed directly with ethanol. The valves are designed for improved sealing through two main methods. First, the spring is set to 165lbs to help reduce NARs during transit. Second, the A-2165 is designed with dual O-ring seals at the point product will flow through the valve. This increases the ability of the seal to prevent the commodity from leaking to the atmosphere.