Rising demand for DN 600 valves

ARCA Regler GmbH, Tönisvorst, Germany has extended its unit construction system with valves of DN 600, that are now also available in cast design. The valves are operating as anti-surge control valves for huge turbo compressors. They are used for starting and stopping the compressor in a controlled manner and to protect it in case of breakdown. This valve size is available in pressure classes DIN / EN DN600 PN 16 / 25 / 40, as well as DN 24in ANSI 150 und ANSI 300, in the standard castings GP240GH / A216-WCB-216 or 1.4581 / A351-CF8M, as well as in special materials. DN 600 valves are used for example in water-recycling plants, steelworks, refineries or huge chemical plants. The need for valves of these dimensions is increasing rapidly. ARCA already has more orders in the pipeline that are being delivered beginning of next year.
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