Over the last years international legislation concerning environmental protection, especially that related to the leaks into the atmosphere of gases presenting a greenhouse effect, qualifications procedures or specific receptions as used mainly by petroleum companies has induced a marked evolution in sealing products designed for stuffing boxes of valves. As a consequence, many products have appeared on the market labeled as “fugitive emissions” sealing devices in a particular temperature range. These products are basically based on graphite and/or PTFE and offer interesting properties as much because of their temperature resistance (low for PTFE, high for graphite) as for their chemical resistance. Simultaneously, processes have gone through an evolution in pressures and temperatures, new markets have developed either in cryogenic applications or in the area of high temperatures and products do not adequately address the life time of sealing products for process temperatures higher than 450°C in oxidizing environment or fire safety for sealing products in cryogenic media. LATTY* International has, however, acquired wide experience in these extreme conditions and has conducted a specific study which has enabled Latty to develop and obtain the products needed to answer these new challenges through the use of new materials and testing methods such as numeric simulation. Latty international sa will demonstrate these new technologies to make sealing products even more reliable, answering the environmental challenges as well as safety on production sites at the Valve World Conference 2010, Wednesday December 1 at 10.30.