Certification for SPX Flow Technology

SPX Flow Technology has passed a rigorous certification process enabling qualified personnel to repair valve equipment from other companies, in addition to their own, in nuclear facilities. The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors awarded the prestigious NR Stamp to SPX Flow Technology for its Copes-Vulcan valves. Only 27 companies worldwide have earned the certification for repair of nuclear code valves. In addition to the NR stamp, the SPX Flow Technology facility in McKean, Pennsylvania, was recently recertified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for the ASME N and NPT stamps. The facility is also independently certified for ISO9000. SPX has achieved these certifications through rigorous inspections by independent auditors, nuclear facilities and government agencies. Nuclear audits typically span several days of intense verification of processes and procedures. They involve all facets of the business, including sales, procurement, manufacturing, assembly, testing and final product shipment.

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