Air Products’ selected for Prelude project

Air Products has been selected to supply its proprietary cryogenic coil wound LNG heat exchanger for the world’s first Floating LNG (FLNG) facility to be located in the Browse Basin off the NW coast of Western Australia. Shell recently announced its final investment decision to move forward with the Prelude FLNG project, and Air Products had been carrying out engineering in support of the front-end engineering design effort for the project by a Technip and Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) consortium.
The facility will be located approximately 125 miles offshore and will be 533 yards long. Air Products has made design changes to its proprietary LNG heat exchanger to operate safely, effectively and efficiently in a floating environment, and is under contract on the FLNG project with Technip, which is designing and constructing the FLNG facility in a consortium with SHI.

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