KSB presents new shut-off butterfly valves at ACHE

As a complement to its extensive range of butterfly valves for handling liquefied gas, KSB Aktiengesellschaft, Frankenthal, Germany will be presenting the new TRIODIS valve series at this year’s ACHEMA. The maintenance-free triple-offset butterfly valves are designed for handling fluids with temperatures ranging from -250 to 200°C, depending on their properties, and operating pressures of up to 100 bar.

Thanks to their special design, the closing torque is lower than that of double-offset disc valve types, which makes them suitable for use with smaller actuators. With their triple-offset design and tapered sealing surfaces, the valves ensure tight closure even at very high differential pressures. Sealing can be effected by means of HELICOFLEX® seat rings which are known for their excellent performance in cryogenic applications the world over. The valves provide bidirectional shut-off.

The butterfly valves do not require a travel stop for the closed position, because their metal seat forms a natural stop. This protects the valve seat should the actuator operate the valve in the wrong direction. The valve stem is a single-piece design supported by generously dimensioned plain bearings. Tight shut-off is ensured even after numerous actuating cycles. An additional anti-blow out device prevents the stem from being blown out of the body in the event of a failure.

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