DOE to award USD 1M for clean coal technology

Unity Power Alliance, a joint venture between ThermoEnergy Corp. and ITEA S.p.A., will receive an award of USD 1M from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to advance the company’s  pressurized oxy-combustion technology for clean, coal-fired power generation.
The UPA award team includes ThermoEnergy of Massachusetts, ITEA S.p.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Georgia Tech. The first part of UPA’s program is a techno-economic modeling optimization to be conducted by MIT. The new Carbon Neutral Energy Solutions laboratory at Georgia Tech will host the second major part of the project, which includes testing ITEA’s “flameless” reactor over a wide range of pressures.  The results will then be analyzed in conjunction with the techno-economic modeling conducted by MIT. ThermoEnergy will build the bench-scale testing unit.
After successful completion of the first phase of the program, it is anticipated that a much larger Phase 2 will occur with DOE/NETL awards in the USD 10-20M range toward the construction of a pilot scale project.
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