Sequoyah Nuclear Unit 2 early and under budget

Tennessee Valley Authority has announced the safe and successful completion of the Unit 2 refueling and maintenance outage at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, finishing the work ahead of schedule and under budget.
The Sequoyah Unit 2 refueling and maintenance outage and steam generator replacement project was scheduled for 90 days and budgeted for $ 376 million. Actual costs for this outage will be finalized in the coming weeks but the plant’s leadership team is confident the final cost will be under budget.

The four steam generators that were replaced are massive heat exchangers that generate large volumes of steam to spin a turbine-generator to make electricity.

TVA has also completed similar steam generator replacement projects at Sequoyah Unit 1 in 2003 and at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant’s Unit 1 in 2006.

Refueling and maintenance work cannot be done while Unit 2 is online so in addition to refueling Unit 2, every reasonable effort was made to complete additional major modifications to valves, pumps, electrical systems and the switchyard. This work further ensures the efficient operation of the plant to reliably generate power at 100 percent until the next refueling outage.

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