High-pressure solenoid valve for CNG dispensing

ASCO Numatics, the world leader in fluid automation solutions and controls for fuel dispensing applications, has introduced the ASCO 291 Series of high-pressure solenoid valves for compressed natural gas (CNG) dispensing applications in North America.

“The Series 291 valve is specifically designed for CNG dispensing equipment in North America. Few valves on the market have the high flow and pressure ratings, plus the low power consumption, that are critical to design engineers at CNG station packagers and dispensing manufacturers”, said Robert W. Kemple, Jr., executive vice president, sales and marketing – Americas, ASCO Numatics.

Solenoid valves play a key role controlling CNG flow in dispensing equipment. The rugged construction and unique internal design of the 291 Series are tailored to meet the industry’s unique requirements for solenoid valves. It safely withstands pressures of over 5,000 psi, provides superior flow rates and consumes only 12 watts of power.

“Dispensing equipment manufacturers will benefit from our CNG valve line’s small size, great fit, and low power consumption, plus the high quality that only ASCO can provide”, said Kemple. “Station packagers will value our high flow rate that permits faster vehicle fuelling and exceptional reliability that reduces maintenance and down time.”
The 291 Series valves are offered in three pipe sizes — 3/8 inch, ½ inch, and 1 inch — plus three-station and six-station manifold versions. The ASCO 291 Series CNG valves can be ordered from ASCO distributors or directly from the company in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
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