Compact horizontal dust collectors from Aerodyne

A major oil supplier operating in Brazil was required by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) to install dust collectors on its oilrig supply ships. However, there was limited room on the supply vessels to accommodate dust collectors. The only solution would be a system with a compact footprint that would not require too much head room.

The oil supplier turned to Aerodyne Environmental, the manufacturer of industrial cyclonic dust collectors and dust collection valves, and its Ground Plate Cyclonic Dust Collector (GPC). The compact, horizontal design was ideal for the space limitations on the operator’s deck. The GPC dust collector is a high-efficiency cyclone dust collector. The spiral inlet of the GPC directs the dirty gas stream toward the ground plate and hopper of the collector. Coupled with the compact size of the collectors, this gives the GPC the ability to be installed horizontally with virtually no negative impact on collection efficiency.

After working with Aerodyne on the layout for the dust collectors on the rigs, plant operators initially purchased two GPC-18s with the durable stainless steel construction option as a trial. Satisfied with the performance of the Aerodyne GPCs, the company purchased 20 more for its other oilrig supply ships.

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