Saint-Gobain seals for rocket engine check valves

Saint-Gobain Seals’ OmniSeal spring-energised anti-blowout seal has been qualified as a static seal in rocket engine check valves for the aerospace industry.

In most cases, design engineers integrate check valves into their rocket engine designs. The role of seals in these vales is very critical in overall launch missions. Anti-blowout seals are used in check valves to retain pressurised fluid on the high-pressure side while preventing blowout of the seal from the housing. Saint-Gobain Seals’ anti-blowout seal, derived from their OmniSeal 103A configuration, consists of a polymeric jacket with a spring-energiser. The jacket is made from a proprietary Fluoroloy material while the spring can be made from materials including stainless steel and Elgiloy. The OmniSeal anti-blowout seal used in the check valve of the rocket engine seals pressurised gas and liquefied gas from temperatures below -184°C up to 50°C. The seal is proofed for pressure close to 207 bar. The OmniSeal anti-blowout seal is designed to operate for hundreds of cycles without any leakage.

The OmniSeal product line is available in multiple designs such as 103A, APS, Spring Ring II, 400A, RP II and RACO 1100A and are also offered in various custom designs.

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