Maersk Drilling orders 20K BOP and risers

Maersk Drilling ordered four blow out preventers (BOPs) and two risers from GE Oil and Gas to be used in the Project 20K agreement with BP. The BOPs and risers would be deployed on two Maersk Drilling 20K Rigs by year-end 2018. The order includes options for provision of further BOPs. The order is subject to BP and Maersk Drilling taking the final investment decision on a 20K Rig contract.
BP and Maersk Drilling announced in February 2013 a joint study agreement to develop conceptual engineering designs for a new breed of advanced technology drilling rigs that will be critical to unlocking the next frontier of deepwater oil and gas resources. Called 20K Rigs, the BP-Maersk Drilling agreement will result in developing deepwater drilling rigs that can safely and efficiently operate in high-pressure and high-temperature reservoirs up to 20,000 pounds per square inch and 350°F.
In order to have the BOPs developed, qualified, tested and commissioned to enable delivery of the 20K Rigs as early as 2018, the order has been placed with GE Oil and Gas now. Going forward, Maersk Drilling will engage in talks with various shipyards regarding the potential construction of a series of 20K Rigs.
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