MSA successfully finished supplying ANSI valves to Norwegian natural gas company Gassco for the construction of a natural gas reservoir in Germany in September. The valves were designed for the Emden project by Gassco.
This order involved 74 pieces of gate valves, swing check valves, and globe valves in nominal sizes 3″ – 16″, Class 150-600 in total value of almost EUR 360,000. Valves are operated by hand wheel or gearbox. Valves had to comply with strict requirements of Norwegian end user and German engineering company Linde. Valves were supplied through German company Siekmann Econosto. Valves were tested by pressure tests and demanding volatile emission measurement by testing and production inspections.
The Emden project involves the construction of natural gas terminal in north-western German port of Emden, which is located in more suitable place than the older terminal. The new terminal should replace the present Nordsea Gas Terminal, which is in operation since 1977. Natural gas from Norwegian coastal shelf will be transported to Germany through this terminal. Total value of this project is approximately EUR 260M.