SMC voted ‘First Team’ honouree

SMC Corporation was recognised by Summit Media Group’s Automation World magazine and its readers as a ‘First Team’ honouree for Leadership in Automation 2014 in the categories of Actuators & Valves as well as Hydraulic/Pneumatic.

Automation World, the business magazine serving automation professionals, launched a community-based program in January 2014 and invited automation professionals to vote for their favourite automation vendors in an unaided recall survey. Over two dozen categories, representing a wide variety of automation technologies, software and products in use by manufacturing professionals across the discrete, batch and continuous process manufacturing industries, were featured.

“Our First Team Honourees offer truly outstanding examples of product innovation and customer service”, said Jim Chrzan, publisher of Automation World. “Congratulations to them! And thank you to all the end-users who participated in this program by identifying their favourite solution providers.”

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