Siemens receives LTP for Xiaoshan Power Plant

Siemens received a long-term service agreement (LTP) for Xiaoshan Power Plant. The customer is Zhengjiang Zheneng Electric Power. The agreement covers scheduled maintenance, spare parts, technical support, warranties, program management, power diagnostics and performance monitoring for the power plant’s Unit No. 5 SGT5-4000F gas turbine for more than 10 years.

The long-term service program is one of the key service programs offered to customers by Siemens Power Generation Services, providing a high degree of flexibility in the maintenance of power plants while maximizing operating efficiency and availability. The long-term service programs also ensure the highest performance with lowest risk for agreed service scope, which can significantly reduce the customer’s risk management cost.

The agreement will enable Xiaoshan Power Plant to take advantage of Siemens program management services, with dedicated professional service support via experts from Siemens district service office (DSO) in China and backed by Siemens resources worldwide.

Xiaoshan Power Plant is a subsidiary of Zhejiang Zheneng Electric Power and currently operates three SGT5-4000F gas turbines.

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