Humber pipeline contract awarded

National Grid has awarded the A.Hak, Skanska and PORR Bau GmbH joint venture the contract to design and build a replacement high pressure gas pipeline within a tunnel, underneath the River Humber from Paull to Goxhill, replacing the existing pipeline which lies on the riverbed.

gas pipeline river Humber

Phil Croft, National Grid’s senior project manager said: ‘This pipeline will be the longest gas pipeline in a tunnel, inserted in a single string in the world. To do this we need partners with experience and a proven track record. Skanska, PORR and A.Hak were able to demonstrate their expertise and knowledge throughout the tender process, giving us the confidence that this was the right company to build this tunnel and pipeline in such an environmentally sensitive and commercially busy river.’

The River Humber pipeline is part of the national transmission system – connecting the import terminal at Easington, on the East Yorkshire coast, to the wider network and delivering gas to millions of customers throughout the UK.
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