GEMÜ’s RFID valves ensure electronic traceability

The increasing requirements for documentation and optimization of maintenance processes are also placing increased focus on the individual components within a plant. GEMÜ has recognised this and has equipped its valves with integrated RFID chips. This is not only used for continuous electronic traceability but also for direct maintenance support.

The system, referred to as GEMÜ CONEXO, comprises valves with an integrated RFID chip (in the body, diaphragm and actuator), an electronic reading device, the CONEXO pen and IT infrastructure comprising a CONEXO app for mobile end devices and the CONEXO portal server as a central database ideally installed at the operator’s premises.

The CONEXO system offers major advantages for maintenance processes during operation. The maintenance documentation is processed electronically by the CONEXO app. The maintenance technician is guided through the maintenance processes, can record the evaluation of wearing parts electronically and verify this via photo documentation.

CONEXO is designed as an open system which means that many other plant components can be managed in the system in addition to GEMÜ valves. The sales launch of GEMÜ CONEXO took place in August 2016.

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