Bernard Controls’ quarter-turn electric actuators

Bernard Controls introduced a range of weatherproof quarter-turn electric actuators during the 2016 edition of Valve World Expo.

Within the FIRST BC product label, these new products offer the essentials functions required to operate a quarter-turn valve or damper in case of standard applications with moderate environmental, and operational constraints.

Available for delivery from Spring 2017, the AQ range will feature two control types- electromechanical SWITCH version on the one hand, and integrated new LOGIC version (v2) on the other.

Bernard Controls’ LOGIC control has been specially redesigned to offer the main functions expected from modern integrated controls. Also featuring a LCD display, this turn-key integrated control system enables non-intrusive settings. It is now compatible with the most common fieldbus protocols. Bluetooth communication also enables communication with BERNARD CONTROLS’ new mobile application BC App for user friendly settings, basic commands and troubleshooting.

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