Johan Sverdrup proceed with Phase 2

The Johan Sverdrup partnership has recently decided to proceed with (DG2) Phase 2 of the Johan Sverdrup development, awarding FEED contracts to Aker Solutions, Kværner and Siemens.

Phase 1 of Johan Sverdrup is under development, establishing a field centre consisting of four platforms on the field. Phase 2 builds on this infrastructure, adding another processing platform to the field centre.

Phase 2 includes the development of the Avaldsnes (east), Kvitsøy (south) and Geitungen (north) satellite areas to be phased in for processing and export on the field centre.

28 new wells are planned to be drilled in connection with the Phase 2 development.

The Phase 2 concept also includes the establishment of an area-wide solution for power from shore for the Utsira High by 2022.

Maturing and planning Phase 2 parallel with the development of Phase 1 will ensure a consistent full-field solution and cost-efficient hook-up when Phase 1 is on stream.

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