Linear actuators for gate valve automation

Industrial valve users tend to connect gate valve operation with multi-turn electric actuators, not realizing that linear pneumatic or hydraulic valve actuators have features that can make them preferable for rising stem valves. This is especially true when faster stroke speed, mechanical failure position, precision, and higher thrusts are required.

A linear actuator has a simple design that adds to its reliability. Its construction has only one moving part, a piston operating in a cylinder. The concept has been working successfully for more than 200 years on steam engines. Even its adaption to a gate valve from a handwheel operation is easy. Once the drive nut and handwheel come off, exposing the stem, a coupling connects the stem to a piston rod for direct linear operation.

ATI’s linear actuators have robust design with a compact profile for tight piping runs, and offer reliability of operation, and adaptability to hydraulic or pneumatic power sources. These features make them a viable choice for use with gate or other rising stem valves.

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