Val-Matic valves for water filteration

Val-Matic valves help in removing and reducing existing water contaminants so the water is suitable for its desired end-use is the key to water treatment. Val-Matic’s QuadroSphere® ball valves, Cam-Centric® plug valves, Swing-Flex® check valves, Surgebuster® check valves and swing check valves can be used in solids separation processes such as settling and filtration, and chemical processes such as disinfection and coagulation. Once the sediment has been removed from the wastewater, Tilted Disc® and Dual Disc® check valves can be used to prevent reverse flow when the pumps are not in operation. American-BFV® butterfly valves are often used for their compact size and numerous air valves are installed at high points to prevent air pockets or vacuum conditions from forming, helping to maintain flow efficiency of the pipeline.

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