ARAKO defends transition to the new ISO standard

At the end of July, ARAKO invited representatives of TÜV SÜD Czech to its premises to evaluate the processes in terms of internationally recognized standards ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007. After three days of careful monitoring and evaluation of the operation, company ARAKO Ltd. successfully managed the supervisory audit of both systems and it was recognized transition from OHSAS 18001:2007 to the new ISO 45001:2018 standard. 
The purpose of OHSAS 18001 was to enable the organisation to manage risks and improve OSH performance, while the purpose of ISO 45001 is to enable the organisation to proactively improve OSH performance in the prevention of accidents and harm to health. The new ISO 45001 standard is therefore primarily focused on risk prevention and proactive management and provides guidance and procedures that enable organizations to create safe workplaces by preventing accidents at work, illness, and fatalities and actively improving OSH performance.
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