Penta announce new 3-piece metal seated ball valve

Penta is pleased to announce the development of a new series of Metal Seated ball valves with typical 3-pieces construction. The new model, called 3PZ, will be suitable for temperatures up to 400°C and pressure classes up to ANSI 600. 
As with any other 3-pieces ball valve it will be possible to dismount the central part of the body without dismounting the pipe connections to make maintenance but, differently than any other 3-pieces ball valve, the central part of the body can be pressure tested before reassembling it on the piping system to verify the seat and stem tightness.
The new series will be available with Pentafite metal seats, Stellite, Chrome Carbide, Tungsten Carbide hard-faced ball, and seats, as well as standard Peek, RPTFE, and TFM soft seats.
It will be possible to add a 100mm stem elongation to move the operator away from the overheated body and increase safety against fugitive emissions.
The new model is subjected to international patent and will be presented at Valve World Exhibition on 1st and 2nd December 2020.
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