A Bright Future for Bifold

Bifold, on Greenside Way, Middleton in the north of England have moved to larger premises on Broadgate, Oldham Broadway Business Park which means they will be better placed to expand the business in the longer term.
The significant increase in business over the last few years has meant that Bifold has implemented plans for future recruitment, indicating the fluent growth of the business. The new premises has meant that they have been able to achieve significant productivity enhancements with the emphasis very much on Configurable Lean Manufacturing™ – cLeanManufacturin™. This gives the capability to configure engineered to order products over the mobile network, which can be delivered within 24 hours.
Bifold is the leading manufacturer of instrument valves and pumps for the oil & gas sector and its profits have grown 50% per year since 2002.
Web: www.bifold.co.uk

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