Achilles UVDB Verify accreditation

Auma Actuators Ltd UK has achieved accreditation to Verify. Verify is the second-stage Achilles Utility supplier pre-qualification scheme, Utilities Vendor Database (UVDB). As a result, subscribing utilities and contractors have fast track access to key information to assess the capabilities of the established modular actuator manufacturer. Key information assessed, verified and monitored by Achilles, includes financial performance, health & safety standards, environmental policy and services. The result is comprehensive executive summaries, scores and reports produced through a consultative, standardised procedure. Auma’s modular electric actuation solutions have been used for a wide range of valve flow control applications including water, power, chemical, oil and gas markets for over 40 years. Recognition by Achilles UVDB Verify supports Auma’s open approach to evaluation and its global supply programme. Achilles provide supplier management services that help buyer-supplier communities create opportunities for business and reduce risk in the supply chain. The services support more than 500 of the world’s largest companies and have around 35,000 registered suppliers. UVDB Verify provides the Utility Buying Community fast track information for the assessment and verification of supplier data and management systems.
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