Actuator is easy to install, modification & maintenance

With the BR31a Edition 2020+ integrated automated quarter-turn actuator, SAMSON PFEIFFER has developed an actuator that offers many advantages for the process industry. “The simple assembly, modification, and maintenance make integrated automated actuators particularly interesting for large-scale chemical plants,” says Marian Schürcks. The mechanical engineer is the product coordinator for actuators and automation at PFEIFFER Chemie-Armaturenbau GmbH. After the standard actuator of the BR31a Edition 2010 has become established and appreciated in the industry, SAMSON PFEIFFER has launched a future-oriented high-tech part on the market with the integrated automated actuator. The integrated automated quarter-turn actuator is, so to speak, further development of the conventional tubular actuator. The portfolio of function blocks developed by SAMSON expands the possibilities of integrated automation in the form of a modular system.

The heart of the BR31a Edition 2020+ is the IPM – which stands for Integrated Pneumatic Module. “This pneumatic terminal strip virtually replaces the piping,” explains Marian Schürcks. Signal pressure and auxiliary energy enter the unit on the flange side and no longer have to be supplied through pipes from the outside. This means that positioners and solenoid valves can be attached according to the plug & play principle. “Compatibility problems are thus largely a thing of the past.”

The 35-year-old from Niederrhein points to the two additional air connections on the upper side, which characterise the pneumatic actuator. The intelligent exhaust air routing has a positive effect on the service life of the actuator. “We connect the IPM there and can attach the positioner and solenoid valve to it.” Since there are standardised mounting interfaces on the SAMSON module, positioners and solenoid valves from different manufacturers can also be used. Another advantage of the innovative actuator is that SAMSON PFEIFFER can supply suitable accessories such as a NAMUR throttle plate. Schürcks: “This is what makes the complete package so interesting and sets us apart in the market.” NAMUR is the abbreviation for “Standards Committee for Measurement and Control Technology”. This association develops technical standards for the industry

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