Air Products, NSPE tie up on hydrogen fuelling

Air Products and Nippon Steel & Sumikin Pipeline & Engineering (NSPE) signed an agreement pertaining to working together on Japan’s developing hydrogen fuelling infrastructure market. The agreement also discusses the objective of finalising a long-term marketing and supply relationship agreement between the U.S. and Tokyo, Japan-based companies.

“This agreement is an important step for both Air Products and NSPE in gaining entrance to Japan’s hydrogen fuelling market. We are pleased to be working with NSPE and greatly value their engineering and operations expertise, as well as their knowledge of the Japan markets. Combined with our leadership and experience in this field, we can meet this developing market’s needs with proven technology”, said Ed Kiczek, global business director – Hydrogen Energy Systems at Air Products. Air Products has operated in Japan since 1970, and will work on hydrogen fuelling opportunities through its established wholly owned subsidiary, Air Products Japan.

As part of the final agreement to be formalised, Air Products will provide SmartFuel hydrogen fuelling station technology and the fuelling protocol license, infrastructure engineering and design, while NSPE will provide engineering, construction, and adapt the technology for the Japanese market. NSPE and Air Products Japan will jointly work with customers in the automotive fuelling market.

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