Aker Solutions secures contract on Johan Sverdrup

Aker Solutions has, in collaboration with Kvaerner secured additional hook-up and commissioning work for Equinor’s Johan Sverdrup field offshore Norway.

Equinor has exercised an option in the Johan Sverdrup Riser platform hook-up contract awarded in January 2017 for Aker Solutions to perform hook-up and commissioning assistance of the field’s utility and living quarter platform. Also, the work involves the preparatory offshore work connected with the phase two modifications of the riser platform.

The new scope will be executed by Aker Solutions in a split operation model with Kvaerner, and the companies will work closely with Equinor, supporting in all parts of the project execution. The work will primarily consist of planning, management and hook-up of the Johan Sverdrup utility and living quarter module, as well as the hook-up work in connection with the phase two modifications of the riser platform.

Offshore work for the utility and living quarter platform is scheduled to begin in the Q2 2019.

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