Alstom wins pollution control orders

Alstom has recently won a series of orders to supply, deliver and install air pollution control systems in various industry applications and countries around the world. In Malaysia, Alstom won a contract to install three Seawater Flue Gas Desulphurisation (SWFGD) units and three Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) units for SKS Power’s 3 x 700 MW Tanjung Bin power plant in Johor, Malaysia. The order was placed by Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (IHI) of Japan, part of a consortium led by Sumitomo. – In China, Alstom will supply an ESP unit, including flue gas conditioning system to the Zhanjian Power Station, an orimulsion fired power plant and in addition, a further contract for a SWFGD solution for the 2 x 300 MW Qingdao power plant. – In Spain, Alstom will implement the enlargement and modification of the As Pontes TPP Precipitators in Galicia. The contract includes engineering, manufacture and supply, quality control, transport, and erection of new equipment, as well testing and commissioning using 100% imported coal. The order was placed by Endesa Generación SA. – In India, Alstom will supply Technopromexport an ESP unit for the 5 x 50 MW Obra power station. Work will begin in January 2004 and scheduled for completion by September 2004. – In Sweden, Alstom will supply a new 20 t/h Waste to Energy plant in Jönköping, with advanced air pollution control equipment, consisting of a dry flue gas desulphurisation solution for the waste unit, followed by a polishing wet scrubber for HCl, SO2 and ammonia removal. Installation commenced in March 2004 and will be completed by November 2006.

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