AOPL urges State Dept. to approve KXL

The Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL) reiterated the inherent safety of pipelines and the numerous special safety requirements that will apply to the Keystone XL pipeline at a public hearing on Thursday. Highlighting the safety benefits of Keystone XL, AOPL urged the U.S. Department of State to finalize its review of the Keystone XL pipeline and approve it for construction. “Pipelines are the safest way to transport crude oil and the Keystone XL pipeline will be one of the safest pipelines ever constructed and operated,” said Andy Black, President and CEO of AOPL. In 2012, pipelines transported over 13.5 billion barrels of crude oil, gasoline, diesel and jet fuel across our nation with 99.9996% of those barrels reaching their destination safely. This makes pipelines the safest way to deliver crude oil and petroleum products compared with other modes of transportation. The overall pipeline safety rate also continues to improve. Substantial industry spending on pipeline safety shows pipeline operators are committed to pipeline safety. Keystone XL will operate under 57 special design, construction and operations safety conditions required by the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). The overwhelmingly safe nature of pipelines, the safety of pipelines in comparison to other modes of transportation, the improving overall safety record of pipelines, the tremendous amount of money devoted to pipeline safety, and the highest pipeline design, construction and operation requirements on Keystone XL specifically, all point towards Keystone XL being one of the safest pipelines ever constructed.

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