Aptar Closures reveals recyclable flow control valve

Aptar Closures has revealed its SimpliCycle line of fully recyclable flow control valves for condiments, sauces, and more – aiming to achieve mechanical recyclability while ensuring hygienic and precise product dispensing.

SimpliCycle valves are made from low-density thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), which causes them to float and separate from PET during the sorting process. At this point, the valves can be recycled in the polypropylene and polyethylene stream.

When combined with a compatible Aptar closure, the valves create a fully recyclable component to be applied to PET, PE, or PP containers, both rigid and flexible. Reportedly, they can dispense products with a range of viscosities – including fat- and acid-based products like mayonnaise and ketchup.

SimpliCycle’s dispensing is said to meet or exceed the performance of valves made from conventional, less recyclable resins. The range offers high-quality flow control and a consistent flow rate to give consumers control over the amount of product they use, with a clean cut-off set to avoid drips, leaks, or spills. Its inverted storage compatibility is also designed to ensure that the entirety of a pack’s contents can be emptied before disposal.

The Association of Plastic Recyclers and RecyClass have both awarded SimpliCycle Critical Guidance Recognition. It has also received a World Food Innovation Award for “Best Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability Initiative,” and a coveted WorldStar Global Packaging award.

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