Arca-Regler’s improved positioner

Arca-Regler GmbH has introduced new features and improvements to its ARCAPRO positioner. The new model, designated 827A, has the following features: a more compact and robust motherboard featuring a highly reduced compliance voltage (6.2–9, depending on the type selected); additional manual initialisation mode for use with swing through butterfly or diaphragm valves (the endstops can be manually introduced i.e. for valves or actuators without mechanical endstops); additional programmable inputs for 1:33 equal percent and also for 33:1 inverse with 21 input positions, switch points for top and bottom tight shut-off function, operated independently, allowing better adaptation of the positioner to the actuator; all diagnostic data (number of strokes, number of change of direction, number of running hours etc.), whether in automatic or manual mode can now be displayed on the positioner. The basic functions of the positioner have not changed, neither has the dimensions or mounting accessories. All existing documentation need not be revised.

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