ASCO Numatics introduces 652 Series FRLs

ASCO Numatics is introducing its 652 series filter, regulator, and lubricator (FRL) line of air preparation products. The new ASCO Numatics 652 series features high flow characteristics and the widest high- and low-temperature ratings of any FRL – making it ideal for a broad range of applications.

These modular FRL products have robust construction and are easy to assemble, mount, and position. Their new manifold endplate flanges allow the maintenance technician to pull the manifold assembly out of service without disconnecting the piping. The product line is available in three port sizes ranging from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch.

The 652 Series incorporates front-facing easy-to-read, low-profile gauges. Optional integral pressure range indicators allow the user to set the red/green color indicators to the desired pressure range.

An optional pressure regulator with reverse flow check permits the design engineer to place the regulator between the valve and cylinder. This allows air to be exhausted back through the regulator without causing damage or reduced life. Additionally, an optional 3-micron pleated pre-filter has been added to the line’s coalescing filters and coalescing filter/regulator combination units. This filter eliminates the need for a separate particulate filter unit, reducing cost, size, and weight.

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