Auma India grows

The Indian arm of the Auma actuator group has reported growth of the company’s modular actuation solutions in the oil sector. The latest contract for Auma’s valve control technology has been placed by the Indian Oil Corp. Ltd for a Naphtha Cracker and Polymer complex. The Naphtha Cracker project is reported as the cornerstone for Indian Oil’s entry into petrochemicals and represents a new market for business growth for the corporation. It is located in the Northern Indian state of Haryana. The installation required 75 actuators at the Cracker complex – which has a capacity of 800,000MT/yr of ethylene production. All actuators have been supplied with control modules suitable for Modbus RTU protocol. Additionally, SIMA master stations and hot standby master station with loop technology have been provided. ESD functionality, achieved through hardwired operation, is provided, tailored to meet the customer’s requirements. The master stations in redundant configuration communicate through Modbus RTU protocol with Yokogawa DCS CS 3000. Additional features provided are PCs to monitor the actuators’ functions via the SIMA master stations.

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