Automation Service forms new partnership

Automation Service, a global presence in remanufactured control valves and process control instrumentation and North American Safety Valve, a supplier of safety relief valves have announced their partnership.

The two long standing companies have been doing business for a combined 100 years, and as of March 1st, 2016 have joined force to provide their customers with industry leading remanufactured and new products as well as repair services.

“Providing world class service, products, responsiveness and cost savings is our core mission at Automation Service; we are excited to be expanding our product line with a premier company that shares the same values.” stated Stan Carr, president of Automation Service.

“This is a marriage made in specialty valve heaven. It is unbelievable to have so many valves available. From a ¼” air compressor valve to a 16” all stainless refinery valve,” stated Allen Tanis, president of NASVI. Customers trying to streamline their ordering process and consolidate suppliers will now be able to purchase a more expansive scope of products from Automation Service and North American Safety Valve to meet their process control and safety relief valves needs.

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