^ Ayo Kilani as the chairman of the Valve World Conference 2020
Article by Lucien Joppen
Ayo Kilani is the Mechanical Static equipment subject matter expert for Nigeria LNG Limited, a company incorporated as a limited liability company to harness Nigeria’s vast natural gas resources and produce Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) for export.
With global demand for LNG growing and several African nations (Nigeria, Cameroon, Angola etc.) being very active in (offshore) oil and gas exploitation, the continent is likely to play a more active role on the global stage. With Kilani, representing one of the bigger LNG-companies in Africa, Valve World has managed to get a subject matter expert on board who is also knowledgeable on the energy market.
Hands-on experience
Mr Kilani is pleasantly surprised to receive the news of his nomination to chair the 2020 Valve World Conference. “I attended the conference for the first time in 2016 following a recommendation by a valve Subject Matter Expert that works for one of our shareholder companies. Prior to that time, I had led a team in my current organisation to develop a valve maintenance strategy for our critical valves and felt the need for other insights to further shape the strategy for flawless implementation.”
When asked what he can contribute to the conference, Mr Kilani
mentions “hands-on experience working with OEMs and maintenance contractors from an end-user perspective in developing a fit-for-purpose valve maintenance strategy to improve plant reliability and minimise occurrences of leaks and fugitive emissions.”
What about his expectations for the Valve World Expo Conference in 2020? “I’d expect a showcase of products and services, and I would like to share experiences to help the various businesses achieve lower CAPEX and OPEX in the face of the significant drop in oil and gas prices in the international market.”